
Early Morning Grogg..


I really shouldn't be up this early, I'm screwing my sleeping patterns, but I'm feeling great. This week has been shiesty to say the least, and this summer so far, less than sub-par. Anybody else agree?

I took a moment tonight to reflect on my life, and to just take a pause to look at my life and where I am now, and how I got here. The word that rings in my ears is gratitude, I feel like I've torn strips off of gratitude 'til it's been completely ripped apart and left to die. It sounds pretty grim, but seriously, I urge everybody who comes along and reads this to take a big step back and pause. Look where you are, what you've done, who supports you, think about everything and make sure you're not taking things for granted. There are many people who are a lot less fortunate than you. Your situation with financial hardship? Yeah it's rough, but somebody's experiencing something rougher, even with finances. Your situation with a relationship? Yeah, that can be quite difficult and you'll need to give time to let your emotions settle, but somebody out there just lost their entire family and/or best friends. Your worried about appearances? Every 3 seconds somebody dies from hunger. Your nervous about transitioning to University, you're stressed over summer school, you're spending an extra year in high school. I say SO what, yes these obviously seem very important right now if you are dealing with them, but this is why I urge, I ask you to step back and pause.

Is it really that bad?

if it is, then you've got to keep fighting and you'll make it. If it's not, then you've just given yourself a lesson in gratitude.

We don't need to wait 'til October to be thankful for all that we have, especially us in Canada. We live in an amazing free country where you can do whatever you want. You can find money some way some how, you can find love some way some how, you can find help for your problems some way some how, you can afford to take the moment for clarity, the moment that could cause you to see life out of a new clearer spectrum.

I've just taken my moment, and I'm still reflecting on it. I'm asking you to consider taking one yourself, because you may be unaware of how ungrateful you currently are.

Here's a short film about gratitude, Rob Bell is an amazing communicator and this is a brand new Nooma video from his devotional series Nooma. Check it out, maybe there's something in it for you.

Oops, Broke The Facebook Connect Comment Thingamajiggle! Fixed Now.


Sorry everybody who was trying to use Facebook Connect to comment on the recent posts! It's fixed now, go ahead and give it a try! Also if you would like to have your name and display picture when posting comments you'll need to visit this link http://www.facebook.com/privacy/?view=search and then just do this!
  • Look for Search Discovery
  • Set Search Visibility to “Everyone”
  • Make sure “Create a public search listing” is checked

Hillsong Conference\\2010

Eyoo just saw this on my facebook homepage, T.D. Jakes with Hillsong haha crazy..

If I find a way to Australia next summer in July I'ma go..


Kick, P\\Rebels L\\Land O\\Lupes

This is some crazy nutso what the frunkso Lupe acapella mix. The mix was done by Bassnectar, here's what he told The Mahogany Blog about his mix,
“I took the beat of a long-overdue unreleased tune called “Stretch Reflex” and melted it together with the synths and melodies from another song that was supposed to be on Underground Communication, but ended up getting saved for later. It was written as a pensive homage to the dead, the original melodics sound like a black metal song but in this version they have kind of a nice 1990’s Orb or FSOL feel to them…that sound will never get old for me! Then i took some of the prettier melodies from that song and mixed them with a Lupe Fiasco acapella (i looooove his voice) and it became one of my favorite tunes to close a party with.”

Here's the mix, check it out ->

Leon Is Not So Convenient\\Mrs. Cold

I discovered Kings Of Convenience in what feels like forever ago, I can't even remember now.. Probably the last time I used Last.FM or something.

These guys are ultra chill, indie, and this song has been popular amongst music blogs lately.

The track I'm throwing up from them is Mrs. Cold, check it out.

Support Them MTL Styles\\French Piano\\Seriously French, Non Englais


How about some chilled french music straight from MTL, this is Coeur De Pirate.

She's just got some relaxed flow, try her out, if you don't like it comment it. If you do like it, comment it. I really enjoy when people respond.. Haha

Here's the lady of the hour, nice little french lady, frenchie french cheese, frenchskis.



Peter Bjorn and John always float up the popular remixes I swear. Which is cool I like 'em, kind of strange but they seem to do well.

Miike Snow, I haven't heard much about, I might do some more research for ya'll and for my own knowledge, but check it out.

CHAT Medley | Fan Submitted | Def. MSS Track.. Ladies Hit The Comments..

Ok, I'm back from the cottage, glad to be home as confusing as that is.. Gets lonely at the cottage when none of your friends are up there anymore.. Guess that's growing up!

I really really ENJOY receiving music from friends and fans, you can throw it on the comments of one of the posts, or email me at nickfranchise@gmail.com or even Facebook me if you have me on there. Or twitter.. Nfranchise, there are a lot of ways to get a hold of me, so if you're feeling some music or anything really, a video or fashion get up, WHATEVER, hit me with it and it might show up here for the masses to see.

Anywho, this was tossed to me by Andrea Nelson, she said she wasn't sure if I liked it, but she had the courage to send it anyways! So I applaud her, cause whatever people shouldn't hate on any music, except.. mainstream pop sometimes!! I'm sorry but Birthday Sex is not music!! Even if it is, the lyrics are as pointless as Stop signs in Markham.

My opinion on this song? Girls will dig it, I'm willing to bet some..thing on the fact that girls will respond to this, either they already have it or they like it.

I have no clue where she got it from! or who these people are! But you know what it's cool, I like how they are mashing up tons of popular songs, I like the BEP where is the love part.

This song sounds like a bunch of high school or uni music students just having a good time around a piano collaborating together, thumbs UP! to collaboration, especially music!!

Oh and the high school music part... That's what makes it a MSS track plus the graduation part.. Ah that school is ridiculous, haha just kidding love you MSS peeps good times.

OK enough of my drizzle, here's the track, I do APPRECIATE comments :)

(PS. I had some people confused on how to comment, you can use your facebook account to comment! Just click on the Facebook Connect icon its blue, above the comments box! Follow the instructions and you'll be golden, any issues send me a message and I'll try and fix it :))


Barcelona\\Absolute\\Indie 2009

I'm just gonna go right out and say that this was given to me by a fan of Kickittwice. Yeah that's right I'm going to assume she's a fan, a fan of a blog.. Which is mine, yeah yeah ok whatever she's a fan.

Anyways! So Riah hit me up with this band, super chills, I've just been listening for the past 20min. I almost passed out on my desk because I'm so relaxed.

If you fancy the Fray, and Augustana then you'll def feel this band!

Here's the WHOLE album! Yeah pretty sweet, check it out..

Disqus What's Good\\New Comment System

Hey hey hey, ladies and gentlemans. So uh.. I was thinking you know, I'm going to share with ya'll some stuff I'm feelin' here and there, and I thought it might be nice if you all hit me back once in a while with some responses. Let's try and make this more interactive? I can't think of a good word right now.

I'd love it if I received some comments on the music, the fashion, art, personal stuff, etc. That's why I just spent 5 minutes putting in this new "comment system" I know it's so high tech. But chill the funk out.

Right now it will only be open to (correction: all posts can be commented on now)NEW posts and I'm trying to make it easy for you! So you can use facebook connect (which I guess let's you
use your facebook account to post comments! cool eh, yeah I know I'm pretty fly for a lebanese white guy)

So here's how you do it.. Just click "Comments" which is yellow and is at the bottom of this and EVERY post.

The rest is simple! Please try it out.. So I don't feel so lonely? Thanks in advance. More music is on it's way!

Season Of Music\\Gets The Girl - Slow Song


So I guess it must be that season of music '09 for me, I'm feeling a lot of musical tings.. It's all good though, I'm sure september and throughout fall will a season of fashion, since I do like my fall fashion. Let me throw two songs at you here, some boys from New Haven also known as "Gets The Girl" caught my ear recently with their track Slow Song. It's pretty chill, I'm also going to throw up something in the hip hop genrezzle, naw I mean. I'm slowly picking up Wale, I can't believe I didn't grab any of his mixtapes before, I remember seeing his name thinking who would call themselves a Whale hahaha. It's pronounced Wha-Lay of course though.

John Legend sample for y'all.

Season of music\\

Oh and if you liked Gets The Girl's song, or just wanted to hear before downloading.. Here's their music video, gosh feels like the season of Stop Motion music videos doesn't it? Ah well can't complain until people run out of ideas for it..


Obsessed With Folders And Plastic \\ Plastic Operator


Here's a track that I found recently.. You know when you listen to certain songs and they remind you of somebody.. Maybe because of that person's taste in music, or because of a lyric or something. Well I thought of Tom cause this sounds like some a song he'd be blasting in the GP while flying down HWY 12 and waving his hands around with nothing stopping us from losing control of the GP, and rolling right into a Chip Truck on the side of the road..

Either way it's kind of catchy and strange.. So I like it. Feel free to comment.

Catch the drift here -> Plastic Operators - "Folder"

Chalk Drawing CrazysxMusic FilmxVisionariesxStop Motion \\ Strawberry Swing


I don't want to say I may have given them the idea... But I tried to freaking send them my stop motion video and they ignored me!! Then they come out with two stop motion videos!! Haha I feel ripped off, just kidding. This is an amazing masterpiece. Such hard work and talent intertwined. I applaud the artists who created this music video. Very very, very.. Talented.

Watch it right.. HERE

Fanfarlo \\ New Band On Scene


Sound is a bit Arcade Firey, but it's great. During my first listen of "The Walls Are Coming Down" I was humming along.. Which I guess I do quite often, but it's all good. Apparently this band just debuted their first album June 2009 in the USA and is catching enough traffic. Hell I found them, and I feel super-disconnected to any "underground" music world if you can even call it that.

I'll throw one song at you, so you can get a taste, but the best part about this whole thing, is the band giving their album away for a BUCK on their website. Yeah don't freaking download it for free, you all got a dollar. If you like it, buy it, they will make more of what you like!



The Most Creative Proposal I've Seen.. Crazy Imagineers

This dude proposes at Disneyland in song..



Find 12 minutes to watch this video..