
Blog Names.. Blog Content.. I Know Where You Live..


Here's the deal. My friend Alex Mansourati wants to create a blog. Except he doesn't know what to name it, tis a shame. He's been asking for some recommendations on what the name should be from some fellow floor-mates. The best name in my opinion that has come about is Manzaroni & Cheese. I mean really, is that not the best damn blog name you've heard in a good ol' time? It's nearly as good as CollegeHumor.

Another name he came up with was Flip in and Flip out. Now I know I haven't updated in a while! but I want anybody who reads this to respond ASAP on what he should do.

The guy is a little shorter than I am, he's a strapping young man with.. Some things going for him, ladies he can calculate taxes really well! Here's his FACEBOOK!!!
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